Algorithm for identifying different forms of allogeneic collagen-containing material as a basis for bioink using optical analysis methods
Timchenko P.E. 1,2, Frolov O.O. 1,2, Rjabov N.A. 2, Timchenko E.V. 1,2, Volova L.T. 2, Ivanov S.S.1
1Samara National Research University, Samara, Russia
2Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia

The results of a study assessing the composition of different forms of allogeneic collagen-containing material (hydrogel) as a potential component of bioink in a promising direction tissue engineering using optical methods (Raman and IR spectroscopy). As a result carried out studies using the Raman spectroscopy method, it was established that in non-hydrolyzed form of collagen, the relative content of proline and hydroxyproline is less than in the hydrolyzed form, which may indicate disturbances in the structural organization of collagen-containing material (according to the spectral features of proline and hydroxyproline). Based on analysis of variance there was an algorithm has been developed for identifying different forms of allogeneic collagen-containing material using decision tree. It has been established that using Raman and IR spectroscopy methods it is possible to carry out express analysis of the composition and types of collagen materials, as well as control the degree of denaturation collagen in the development of bioinks. Keywords: Raman spectroscopy, IR spectroscopy, collagen identification algorithm, hydrogel, bioink, collagen-containing material, analysis of variance.

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