Microexplosive grinding of droplet water-fuel oil emulsion with the addition of specialized additives
Shlegel N.E. 1, Klimenko A.1
1Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia
Email: nik.shlegel.ask@gmail.com

The results of experimental studies of microexplosive fragmentation of water-fuel oil droplets with the addition of the ION-M additive are presented. The studies were carried out at a gas-air temperature of about 800oC. The characteristics of the formation of secondary fragments during microexplosive fragmentation of water-fuel oil droplets were studied by varying the concentration of the ION-M additive. It has been shown that the addition of the ION-M additive (0.5 vol.to an increase in the number of secondary fragments by almost 60%, as well as a decrease in their average size by 30-50%. It has been established that when adding the ION-M additive (0.5 vol.ratio of free surface areas after and before fragmentation increases by almost 65% compared to that for water-fuel oil fuel without the additive. Key words: water-fuel oil emulsion, microexplosion, fragmentation, secondary fragments, additives. Keywords: water-oil emulsion, micro-explosion, fragmentation, secondary fragments, additives.

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