Liquid metal pipe flow hydraulic resistance in a transverse magnetic field
Luchinkin N.A. 1, Balabaev N.E.2, Fedoseev L.A.1, Shenyagin E.M.2, Belyaev I.A. 2
1National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute», Moscow, Russia
2Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

The results of an experimental study of the effect of a transverse magnetic field on the hydraulic resistance during the flow of mercury in a round pipe with different wall conductivity are considered. The changes in the coefficients of hydraulic resistance at Reynolds numbers in the range Re=(10-40)· 103 and magnetic fields providing Hartmann numbers in the range Ha=0-1800 are investigated. Pipes with different steel wall thicknesses are considered, and the effect of copper plating aimed at improving the electrical contact at the mercury-steel interface is studied. Keywords: magnetic hydrodynamics, hydraulic resistance, liquid metal, wall conductivity, contact electrical resistance.
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