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On the transport properties of microcrystalline silicon at low temperatures
Zhou J.-H.1, Baranovskii S.D.2,3, Yamasaki S.2, Ikuta K.2, Kondo M.4, Matsuda A.4, Tanaka K.2
1Angstrom Technology Partnership (ATP)
2National Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research (NAIR)
3Department of Physical Chemistry, Center for Material Sciences, Philipps University Marburg, Marburg, Germany
4Electrotechnical Laboratory, 1-1-4 Umezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, Japan
Поступила в редакцию: 28 января 1998 г.
Выставление онлайн: 20 июля 1998 г.

The dark and photoconductivity along with pulsed electron spin resonance have been measured over a wide temperature range with a high crystallinity hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon (mu c-Si : H) sample. The transport mechanism in mu c-Si : H is discussed based on these measurements. Striking similarities in the temperature dependences of the dark and photoconductivity between mu c-Si : H and some well studied materials, such as hydrogenated amorphous silicon, suggest that at low temperatures hopping of carriers between localized states dominates the transport properties of mu c-Si : H.
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