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Magnetotransport in a 2D system with strong scatterers: renormalization of Hall coefficient caused by non-Markovian effects
Dmitriev A.P.1, Kachorovskii V.Yu.1
1Ioffe Physicotechnical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia
Поступила в редакцию: 6 февраля 2008 г.
Выставление онлайн: 20 июля 2008 г.

We show that a sharp dependence of the Hall coefficient R on the magnetic field B arises in two-dimensional electron systems with strong scatterers. The phenomenon is due to classical memory effects. We calculate analytically the dependence of R on B for the case of scattering by antidots (modeled by hard disks of radius a), rendomly distributed with concentration n0<<1/a2. We demonstrate that in very weak magnetic fields (omegactautr=<sssim n0a2) memory effects lead to a considerable renormalization of the Boltzmann value of the Hall coefficient: delta R/R~1. With increasing magnetic field, the relative correction to R decreases, then changes sign, and saturates at the value delta R/R~-n0a2. We also discuss the effect of the smooth disorder on the dependence of R on B. PACS: 05.60.+w, 73.43.Qt, 73.50.Bk, 73.50.Jt, 73.63.Hs
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