Shakurov G.S.
1, Malkin B. Z.
2, Batulin R. G.
2, Kiiamov A. G.
21Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, FRC Kazan Scientific Center of RAS, Kazan, Russia
2Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia
EPR spectra of impurity Ho3+ ions in oriented SrY2O4 single-crystals are registered at the temperature 4.2 K in the frequency range from 70 to 180 GHz. The results of measurements evidence for the substitution of Ho3+ ions for the Y3+ ions at the structurally nonequivalent sites R1 and R2 with the local Cs point symmetry. The values of g-factors, hyperfine structure constants and the energy gaps berween the ground and the first excited non-degenherate crystal-field sublevels of the ground 5I8 multiplet are determined. The observed specific features of the ground states of Ho3+ ions (non-Kramers doublets with the zero-field splittings of 4.30 and 1.67 cm-1) open a possibility to identify transitions in optical spectra of SrY2O4 : Ho and inelastic neutron scattering spectra of SrHo2O4 crystals. Keywords: hyperfine interaction, rare-earth ions, spin Hamiltonian, non-Kramers doublet.
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