Luminescent chemosensor for detecting dimethylamine and ammonia vapors
Shishov A. S. 1, Mirochnik A. G. 1
1Institute of Chemistry, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia

The interaction of tris-dibenzoylmethanate Eu(III) with dimethylamine and ammonia vapors was investigated. It was found that when vapors of aqueous solutions of analytes are exposed to tris-dibenzoylmethanate Eu(III) impregnated into the SiO2 matrix, an optical response is observed in the form of an increase in the luminescence intensity of Eu(III). Changes in the luminescence spectra and luminescence excitation of this sensor are analyzed, both under the quenching action of water vapor and under the sensitizing action of analyte vapors. The main points recorded in the excitation spectra are noted, which are important for understanding the processes occurring in the near environment of the lanthanide center. The luminescent chemosensor is promising for creating sensors for detecting ammonia and amines in food safety control and environmental monitoring. Keywords: europium(III), beta-diketonates, luminescence, ammonia, dimethylamine, sensors.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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