On relations of the T-matrices arising in the axisymmetric problem of light scattering by a spheroid
Farafonov V. G. 1, Il'in V. B. 1,2,3, Turichina D.G.2,3
1Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, St. Petersburg, Russia
2St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
3Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia
Email: far@aanet.ru

The relations between the T-matrices emerging when solving the problem of light scattering by a spheroid by applying the expansions of the electro-magnetic fields in the employing spheroidal and spherical bases are found. The behavior of the obtained relations is numerically studied, and it is noted that in a wide range of the task parameter values the calculation of the spheroidal T-matrix and its corresponding transformation is the only practical way to derive the spherical T-matrix often used in applications. Keywords: light scattering, T-matrix.
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