Mikhailova M.P.
1, Dmitriev A.P.1, Andreev I.A.1, Ivanov E.V.
1, Kunitsyna E.V.
1, Yakovlev Yu.P.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
Email: mayamikh@gmail.com, apd1812@hotmail.com, igor@iropt9.ioffe.ru, Ed@mail.ioffe.ru, kunits@iropt9.ioffe.ru, yakovlev.iropto@mail.ioffe.ru
The results of theoretical and experimental studies of impact ionization processes and charge carrier heating in multi-valley AIIIBV semiconductors at high electric field are presented and their relationship with the features of the band structure is discussed. A role of subsidiary L- and X-valleys, complex structure of the valence band and orientation dependence of the ionization coefficients are taken into account. A new approach to the choice of semiconductor materials with a large ratio of the ionization coefficients of holes and electrons to create the noiseless avalanche photodiodes due to monopolarity of hot charge carrier multiplication is proposed. Keywords: impact ionization, multi-valley semiconductors, band structure, monopolarity of multiplication, avalanche photodiodes.
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