Physics of the Solid State
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Effect of strong intersite Coulomb interaction on the topological properties of a superconducting nanowire
Shustin M.S.1, Aksenov S.V.1
1Kirensky Institute of Physics, Federal Research Center KSC SB, Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

For superconducting nanowire with the pairing of extended s-type symmetry, Rashba spin-orbit interaction in a magnetic field, the influence of strong intersite charge correlations on single-particle Majorana excitations is analyzed. This problem is investigated on the basis of the density matrix renormalization group numerical method. It is shown that with an increase in the repulsion intensity of electrons located at the neighboring sites, two subbands emerge in the lower Hubbard band of the open system. Based on calculations of the Majorana polarization and degeneracy of the entanglement spectrum, it was found that a topologically nontrivial phase with one edge state survives at the edge of each of the subbands where the concentration of electrons or holes is minimal. Keywords: superconducting nanowires, Majorana zero modes, strong electron correlations.
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