Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Features of polarization of piezoelectric ceramics based on sodium niobate
Malyshkina O.V. 1, Ali M.1, Ivanova A.I. 1, Chernyshova I.A.2, Mamaev D.V.1
1Tver State University, Tver, Russia
2St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia

Comparative studies of the pyroelectric properties and structural features of sodium niobate and sodium-potassium niobate ceramics obtained under different technological conditions for the synthesis of sodium niobate have been carried out. X-ray phase analysis revealed the existence of an additional phase with the chemical formula NaNb10O18 in sodium niobate ceramic samples that do not exhibit ferroelectric properties. It is shown that the temperature conditions for the synthesis of the sodium niobate material determine the nature of the macroscopic polarization of the samples of both pure sodium niobate and sodium-potassium niobate. Keywords: piezoelectric ceramics, lead-free materials, polarization, pyroelectric effect.
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