Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Simulation of temperature distribution in a functional NbN nanoelement with an embedded normal metal region
Gurovich B. A.1, Goncharov B. V.1, Prikhodko K. E.1,2, Kutuzov L. V.1
1National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, Russia
2National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, Moscow, Russia

A simulation of the temperature distribution in a functional NbN nanoelement with a built-in normal metal region has been carried out. The functional element consists of two NbN nanowires with a thickness of 4 nm, located on a substrate of monocrystalline AL2O3. The wires are separated by a 10 nm thick dielectric layer. A region of normal metal is embedded in the lower nanowire using the ZA technology. An approximate estimate of the performance of functional nanostructures, for the creation of which such a hike is used, is given. Keywords: Thin superconducting NbN films, functional superconducting nanoelements from NbN, modeling of thermal processes.
  1. B.A. Gurovich, K.E. Prihod'ko, M.A. Tarkhov, A.G. Domantovsky, D.A. Komarov, B.V. Goncharov, E.A. Kuleshova. Micro Nanosystems 7, 172 (2015)
  2. B.A. Gurovich,B.V. Goncharov,M.M. Dementyeva, K.E. Prikhodko,L.V. Kutuzov,D.A. Komarov, A.G. Domantovsky. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 699, 012016 (2019)
  3. B.A. Gurovich, K.E. Prikhodko, B.V. Goncharov, M.M. Dementyeva, L.V. Kutuzov, D.A. Komarov, A.G. Domantovsky, V.L. Stolyarov, E.D. Olshansky. ZhTF 90, 11, 1860 (2020) (in Russian)
  4. B.A. Gurovich, K.E. Prikhodko, L.V. Kutuzov, B.V. Goncharov. FTT 62, 9, 1420 (2020) (in Russian)
  5. J.K.W. Yang, A.J. Kerman, E.A. Dauler, V. Anant, K.M. Rosfjord, K.K. Berggren. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 17, 2, 581 (2007)
  6. B.V. Goncharov,B.A. Gurovich,K.E. Prikhodko, M.M. Dementyeva,V.L. Stolyarov,E.D. Olshansky,A.G. Domantovsky, L.V. Kutuzov,E.M. Malieva, A.A. Cherepanov. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 1005, 012023 (2020)

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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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