Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Electrical and Magnetic Properties of SmSb Single Crystals at Low Temperatures
Stepanov N.N. 1, Kamenskaya G.A.1, Volkov M.P. 1, Sharenkova N.V. 1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

On SmSb single crystals synthesized from elements, the electrical resistance R and magnetization M were measured as functions of temperature and magnetic field. A large magnetoresistance is observed over the entire temperature range of 2-300 K, increasing significantly with decreasing temperature. The temperature dependence of the magnetization exhibits a singularity at the transition temperature to the antiferromagnetic state TN=2.3 K. At temperatures below 8 K, de Haas-van Alphen oscillations are observed in the M(H) dependences, the frequencies of which do not change upon the transition through TN. Linear extrapolation of the dependence of the Landau indices N on the reciprocal of the magnetic field 1/B to zero gives the value NT=2 K=0.75, which indicates the presence of the Berry phase and a nontrivial band topology in the SmSb compound. Keywords: samarium monoantimonide, magnetization, magnetoresistance, antiferromagnetic phase transition, de Haas-van Alphen magnetic oscillations, Berry phase.

Ioffe Institute

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