Spectral-generation properties and mechanism of formation of intercaliated nanocomplexes "dye-cyclodextrin"
Anufrick S. S. 1, Anuchin S. N.1, Tarkovsky V. V.1
1Yanka Kupala Grodno State University, Grodno, Belarus
Email: anufrick@grsu.by, anuchin_sn@grsu.by, tarkovsky@grsu.by

Spectral-generation properties and the mechanism of formation of "dye-cyclodestrin" inclusion complexes for dyes of different classes (rhodamine 6G, phenalemine 160, cresyl violet) with β-cyclodextrin were studied. The effect of functional groups in the structure of dye molecules on the spectral, generation, and photochemical properties of their inclusion complexes has been studied by electron and IR spectroscopy. It has been shown that the formation mechanism consists in the entry into the β-CD cavity of only individual functional groups and substituents of dye molecules. In this case, micellar complexes consisting of several cyclodextrin molecules and dye molecules and partially intercalated complexes can be formed. The AFM method showed that the characteristic sizes of the formed nanocomplexes are 100-600 nm. Keywords: laser dyes, β-cyclodextrin, inclusion complexes, lasing spectral characteristics, FT-IR spectroscopy, photostability.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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