Spectral Characteristics of the Glow of Coal Flames during the Exposure to Laser Pulses
Aduev B. P. 1, Nurmukhametov D. R. 1, Kraft Ya. V.1, Ismagilov Z. R. 1
1Institute of Coal Chemistry and Material Science, Siberian Branch Russian Academy of Sciences, Kemerovo, Russia
Email: lesinko-iuxm@yandex.ru

The results of measuring the characteristics of the glow of coal flames at the initial moments of ignition under the action of laser pulses of a neodymium laser (1064 nm, 120 μs) are presented. In microparticles of coal grades DG, G, Zh, and K, when the corresponding critical energy densities are exceeded during a laser pulse, the surface ignites and flame propagates at a speed of V~50 m/s. The emission spectra of flames are contributed by the emission of emitted hot coal particles, excited H2* and H2O* molecules, as well as the flame emission arising from the oxidation of carbon (CO*) and carbon monoxide (CO2*) by atmospheric oxygen. Keywords: coal, laser, ignition, flame, volatile substances, degree of coalification, coke residue.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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