Influence of photon-phonon interaction on the optical properties of aluminum powder
Kiselev A I1, Shevchenko V G.1, Konyukova A.V.1
1Institute of Solid State Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Branch, Yekaterinburg, Russia

By comparing the simulated and experimental optical conductivity, the electronic structure of the aluminum film and powder at room temperature was studied. The main attention is paid to the region of the optical conductivity spectrum at absorbed photon energies above 1.3 eV. It is assumed that in this section the form of the optical conductivity spectrum of aluminum powder is largely determined by the processes of heat release during photon-phonon interaction. From a comparison of the electronic characteristics of the spectra of the film and aluminum powder, the lower limits of the forbidden band of optical phonons of the metal-oxide interface are presumably established. Keywords: phonons, ellipsometry, optical properties of the film, electronic characteristics of optical transitions
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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