Forming regimes of Pd/Ge/Au contact system to n-GaAs influence on its electric parameters
Malevskaya A. V. 1, Soldatenkov F. Yu. 1, Levin R. V. 1, Potapovich N. S. 1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

The investigations of Pd/Ge/Au contact system forming regimes influence on the specific contact resistivity to n-type conductivity GaAs layer were carried out. The method of samples surface treatment before the layers evaporation and thermal annealing regimes in H2, N2 and Ar atmosphere influence on contact system parameters was investigated. The specific contact resistivity value (2-3)· 10-6 Ohm· cm2 at the reduced annealing temperature 190oC was archived.. Keywords: Pd/Ge/Au, n-GaAs, surface treatment, thermal annealing
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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