3-D microspectroscopy of optical centers in color natural diamonds
Rimskaya E. N.1, Kuzmin E. V. 1, Danilov P. A. 1, Kriulina G. Yu. 2, Pomazkin D. A. 1, Kudryashov S. I. 1
1Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
2Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Email: rimskaya@lebedev.ru, e.kuzmin@lebedev.ru, danilovpa@lebedev.ru, g.kriulina@lebedev.ru, d.pomazkin@lebedev.ru, sikudr@lebedev.ru

A study of three-dimensional photoluminescence of natural diamonds of two types, differing in morphology and absorption in the infrared range, was carried out. It is shown that, depending on the type and concentration of nitrogen defects in natural diamond, the position of the absorption band maximum can shift, which determines the pink or brown color of diamonds. The results of the study were carried out photoluminescence spectra at two pump wavelengths (488 and 532 nm), which make it possible to determine the optical centers that contribute to the color of diamonds. It is shown that complex nitrogen defects appear in natural colored diamonds as a result of plastic deformation, which determine the properties of the diamond. Keywords: natural diamonds, color centers, photoluminescence, crystal defects. DOI: 10.61011/EOS.2023.02.55775.4-23
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