Physics of the Solid State
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Control of bistability of two uniaxial spin transfer oscillators with field coupling and RLC load
Kuptsov P. V. 1
1Saratov Branch, Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Saratov, Russia

Two uniaxial spin transfer oscillators with field coupling and RLC loads are considered. This system can demonstrate synchronized as well as non-synchronized oscillations. There is an area of bistability in the parameter space where these two regimes coexist. The mechanism of the bistability control is suggested. It is shown that if the RLC circuits are tuned in such a way that after the start their currents slowly and monotonically decay from high negative magnitudes to zero the oscillators forget their initial states and arrive at the vicinities of their fixed points. It provides the controllable start of the oscillations so that the bistability is suppressed in favor of either synchronous or non-synchronous regimes. Keywords: magnetic moment precession, coupled oscillators, dipole interaction, bistability, controllable initial conditions.
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