Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Influence of the Elastically Stressed State of Interfaces on the Magnetoelectric Properties of Ferromagnetic/Ferroelectric Layered Structures
Sharko S. A. 1, Serokurova A. I.1, Novitskii N. N.1, Poddubnaya N. N. 2, Ketsko V. A.3, Stognij A. I.1
1Scientific and Practical Materials Research Center, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus
2Institute of Technical Acoustics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Vitebsk, Belarus
3Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

In the layered ferromagnetic/ferroelectric structures in the form of cobalt, nickel or permendur layer on a ferroelectric substrate of lead zirconate titanate obtained by ion-beam sputtering - deposition, relative strains due to mismatch of crystal lattices of mating materials at the metal/substrate in-terface make a more noticeable contribution to the magnetoelectric response than those associated both with the magnetostriction of the ferromagnetic layer and with the piezoelectric effect of the ferroelectric substrate. The structures obtained are characterized by the thermal stability and reproducibility of magnetoelectric characteristics and can be used as converters of magnetic and electrical quantities, for example, in magnetic field sensors and actuators. Keywords: Ion beam sputtering - deposition, ion beam planarization, ferromagnetic/ferroelectric interface, layered structures, magnetoelectric effect.
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