Multitype of cerium centers in optical nanoceramics on the bases of BaF2-CeF3
Ashurov M. Kh. 1,2, Nuritdinov I. 2, Boyboboeva S. T. 2
1Fonon Research and Production Association, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
2Institute of Nuclear Physics, Uzbek Academy of Sciences, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

The absorption (SP) and photoluminescence (PL) spectra of BaF2-CeF3 crystals and nanoceramics based on them have been investigated. In samples of both types, under excitation at the excitation band λex= 285 nm, a doublet photoluminescence band with maxima at 305 and 320 nm (Ce1 centers) was found. In contrast to this, in optical nanoceramics were found 3 additional PL bands: λex=310 nm, λrad=370 nm (Ce2 centers), λex=250 nm, λrad=425 nm (Ce3 centers) and λex=345 nm, λrad=550 nm (Ce4 centers). The nature of the found centers has been identified. Keywords: fluoride crystals, nanoceramics, absorption spectra, photoluminescence, excitation spectra. DOI: 10.61011/EOS.2023.03.56181.3678-22
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