Physics of the Solid State
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Structural transformation of α- and kappa-Ga2O3 thin films on sapphire upon annealing in air
Myasoedov A. V.1, Pavlov I. S.2, Scheglov M. P.1, Pechnikov A. I.1, Nikolaev V. I.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
2Federal Research Center "Crystallography and Photonics", Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

The results of a study of the effect of annealing on the structural transformation of thin films of α- and kappa-Ga2O3 obtained by chloride vapor-phase epitaxy on c-plane of a sapphire substrate are presented. It has been shown that upon annealing of an α-Ga2O3 film during 60 min at a temperature in the region of the polymorphic transition of 550-575oC, its homogeneity begins to be disrupted, and a partial polymorphic transition is observed with the formation of small β-Ga2O3 crystallites. As a result of high-temperature annealing of the kappa-Ga2O3 film in air for 30 min at a temperature T=850oC, the kappa->β transition and recrystallization of the original film into a homogeneous β-Ga2O3 film were observed. It was found that the resulting film predominantly consists of mutually oriented domains. Using transmission electron microscopy, the orientation relationships between the film and the sapphire substrate were determined. The structure of boundaries between domains has been studied. Keywords: gallium oxide, polymorphism, polymorphic transitions.
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