Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Features of the Energy Band Structure of the InAsSbP Epilayer Deposited on a Surface of the InAs1-ySby Solid Solution
Romanov V. V.1, Moiseev K. D. 1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

The photoluminescence spectra of narrow-gap InAs/InAsSbP/InAs0.95Sb0.05/InAsSbP heterostructures obtained by vapor-phase epitaxy from organometallic compounds on an InAs substrate were studied in a wide temperature range T=4-300 K. The influence of the composition and structure of the matrix surface enriched with antimonide-arsenides on the composition and luminescent properties of the InAs1-x-ySbyPx epitaxial layer during its deposition by the MOVPE method was revealed. The ratio between the concentrations in the solid phase of narrow-gap and wide-gap compounds that form a quaternary solid solution affects the effective energy of location for charge carrier localization centers in the band gap of a quaternary solid solution. Keywords: photoluminescence, antimonides, arsenides, radiative transitions.
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