Photoelectric characteristics and surface morphology of cadmium sulfide modified by iron arachinate
Kharitonova P. G. 1, Glukhovskoy E. G. 1, Kozlowski A. V. 1, Stetsyura S. V. 1
1Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia

The influence of the nanoscale coating of iron arachinate (ArchFe) on the properties of CdS has been studied. We obtained changes in the morphology and potential of the surface, as well as in the photosensitivity of the CdS/ArchFe hybrid structure compared to unmodified CdS. We have shown the possibility of creating a heterophase structure with photosensitivity and properties of a semimagnetic semiconductor after annealing, which leads to sublimation of the organic component of the coating and diffusion of Fe deep into CdS, accompanied by the formation of nanosized FeS inclusions. Keywords: cadmium and iron sulfides, Langmuir-Blodgett technology, surface modification, photoelectric properties.
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