Effect of thermal annealing on properties Ga2O3/GaAs:Cr heterostructures
Kalygina V. M. 1, Kiseleva O. S.1, Kopyev V. V. 1, Kushnarev B. O. 1, Oleinik V. L. 1, Petrova Y. S. 1, Tsymbalov A. V. 1
1Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
Email: Kalygina@ngs.ru

Data on the sensitivity of Ga2O3/GaAs:Cr heterostructures are presented to long-wave and UV (λ=254 nm) radiation. The samples were obtained by RF magnetron sputtering of a gallium oxide film on non-heated GaAs:Cr substrates. Gallium arsenide plates with a Ga2O3 film were divided into two parts: one half was not annealed, and the other was annealed in argon at 500oC for 30 min. Regardless of the presence or absence of heat treatment, the studied structures exhibit a photovoltaic effect and are able to operate in an autonomous mode. It is shown that a noticeable sensitivity to long-wave radiation appears in the samples only after thermal annealing of gallium oxide films. The response and recovery times of such UV radiation detectors do not exceed 1 second. Keywords: dark current, photocurrent, UV radiation, Ga2O3/GaAs:Cr structures, autonomous operation mode.
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