Impurity composition and cathodoluminescence of type IIb HPHT diamond with boron concentration up to 60 ppm
Kravets V. A.1, Klepikov I. V.2,3, Vasilev E.A.4
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
2LLC NPK “Almaz”, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
3 "Diamond UHF-electronics" laboratory of RTU MIREA, Moscow, Russia
4St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg, Russia

A single-crystal multi-sector plate of type IIb HPHT diamond was studied using local cathodoluminescence (CL) at a temperature of 77 K and IR spectroscopy. The features of the CL growth sectors (100), (110), (113), (111) of diamond grown using the HPHT technology were studied. In the luminescence of the band with a maximum of 2.3 eV in each of the growth sectors, two components with different decay times, located in the ranges of 2-11 μs and 19-96 μs, were detected. The decay time of the band with a maximum of 3.0 eV is less than 100 ns. It is shown that each growth face is a separate luminescent material with its own characteristic CL properties. Keywords: HPHT diamond, cathodoluminescence, growth sector, internal structure, type IIb diamond.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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