Metasurface of aluminum nanocylinders to enhance the chemiluminescence of luminol
Dadadzhanov D.R.1, Palekhova A.V.1, Vartanyan T. A. 1
1International research and educational center for physics of nanostructures, ITMO University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

As a result of numerical modeling, the parameters of a square lattice of aluminum nanocylinders were found, which ensures the maximum enhancement of luminol chemiluminescence at a wavelength of 430 nm. The period of the lattice formed by aluminum nanocylinders and the radius of the nanocylinders were varied at a constant height of 20 nm. The enhancement factor was averaged over a layer of an aqueous solution of the analyte and luminol covering the nanocylinders. While the maximum enhancement factor for chemiluminophore molecules located near the surface of nanocylinders exceeds a thousand, the enhancement value averaged over the reaction mixture layer under optimal conditions was 3.2. Keywords: plasmon resonance, aluminum nanoparticles, chemiluminescence, luminol, modeling.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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