Wave Functions and Energy Levels Taking into Account the Surface Potential in a Helicoidally Twisted Nanoribbon for Schrödinger Particles
Skryabin S. N.1, Petrova Y. A.1, Sadykov N. R.1
1Snezhinsk Physics and Technology Institute, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Snezhinsk, Russia
Email: stepan.skryabin.04@mail.ru

For the narrow staggered armchair-edge graphene nanoribbons investigated the influence of the surface potential on the parameters of the stationary states of the charge carriers in vicinity of the Dirac point. For this, algorithms for searching for energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of stationary states in the transverse and longitudinal directions are implemented. It follows from the calculations results that, depending on the parameters of the nanoribbon, a situation is possible when its elastic properties disappear. Keywords: four-point unit cell, surface potential, nanoribbons of the armchair type, surface energy, the inverse iteration method, energy levels of stationary states.
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