EPR spectroscopy and partial orientation ordering of formyl radicals stabilized in CO and Ar polycrystals at helium temperatures
Dmitriev Yu. A.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
Email: dmitriev.mares@mail.ioffe.ru

EPR spectra of formyl radicals DCO and HCO stabilized in solid CO and Ar, respectively, were recorded and investigated. The radicals were obtained by gas condensation on a substrate at the liquid helium temperatures. Partial orientation ordering of the radicals in the polycrystal matrices was revealed using spectrum simulation. In the carbon monoxide solid, the C=O bond of the formyl radical was directed parallel to the deposition surface of the substrate and, at the same time, perpendicular to a plane formed by the gas flows. In the Ar matrix, such a preferred direction was the normal to the deposition surface. Thus, observed for the first time with the stabilized formyl radicals, the partial ordering was estimated to be 4% and 17%, for the DCO/CO and HCO/Ar systems, respectively. Keywords: electron paramagnetic resonance, matrix isolation, cryodeposits, formyl radical, powder spectrum, partial orientation ordering.
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