Analysis of femtosecond modification of thin a-Ge2Sb2Te5 films by xz-scan
Budagovsky I.A. 1, Kuzovkov D.O.1,2,3, Lazarenko P.I.2, Smayev M.P.1
1Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
2National Research University of Electronic Technology, Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia
3SPC Lasers and Equipment TM, Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia

Light-induced modification of thin Ge2Sb2Te5 chalcogenide films using femtosecond laser radiation in the near-IR range (1030 nm) was studied. By means of two-coordinate (XZ) scanning, a modification stripe was recorded on the surface of the film. When the sample was shifted along the beam axis, the parameters of the acting radiation changed due to a change in the size of the irradiated area, which ensured a consistent change in the characteristic modes of modification: the formation of periodic two-phase surface structures, crystallization, pre-ablation structures, and ablation. The location of modification zones on the recorded stripe correlates with the radiation energy density, which makes XZ-scan a convenient way to determine both the radiation parameters necessary for film modification and the beam geometry. Keywords: laser modification, femtosecond pulses, thin films, amorphous chalcogenides, optical microscopy.
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