Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Sink strengths of low-angle tilt boundaries for self-point defects in BCC iron and vanadium
Sivak A. B. 1, Chernov V. M. 2
1National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, Russia
2A.A. Bochvar All-Russia Advanced Research Institute for Inorganic Materials, Moscow, Russia

For low-angle tilt boundaries formed by dislocation walls of straight edge dislocations in slip systems <111>110 and <111>112, the sink strengths for self-point defects (vacancies and self-interstitial atoms) and the bias factors (relative difference in the sink strengths for self-interstitial atoms and vacancies) have been calculated in BCC metals Fe and V. The calculations have been performed using the object kinetic Monte Carlo method in the temperature range 293-1000 K, the subgrain misorientation angles 1.5-10o and the subgrain sizes 150-900 a (a is the lattice parameter). The elastic interaction of self-point defects in stable and saddle-point configurations (elastic dipoles) with the elastic fields of dislocation walls has been calculated by means of the anisotropic theory of elasticity (metals Fe and V differ significantly in the elastic anisotropy ratio). The sink strengths of low-angle boundaries do not depend (within the calculation accuracy) on their type (the slip system of dislocations). The bias factor value varies with temperature in the range of 15-30% and is inversely proportional to the misorientation angle and the size of the subgrains. The bias factors in Fe and V are significantly different (for V it is several times less). Keywords: low-angle tilt boundaries, sink strengths, bias factors, iron, vanadium.
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