Electrical conductivity of PbTe thin films
Abd El-Ati M.I.1
1Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Egypt

Поступила в редакцию: 2 сентября 1996 г.
Выставление онлайн: 20 декабря 1996 г.
PbTe thin films were prepared by vacuum technique with different thicknesses ranged from 550 to 3000 Angstrem. The electrical resistivity as a function of the film thickness and mobility was measured. The dependence of log (resistivity) and log (current) were studied as a function of the universal of temperature. The activation energies were estimated before and after the break. The transition of conductivity from n-type to p-type is attributed to the tincrease of migrating lead vacancies. An increase of the applied voltages on the thin films caused the shift of breaking temperature to higher temperatures. This is attributed to creation of Pb vacancies which retard the break.
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