Multi-Purpose Nonlinear Optical Microscope. Principle and its Applications to Polar Thin Film Observation
Uesu Y.1, Kato N.1
1Department of Physics, Waseda University 3--4--1 Okubo, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 16, Japan
Выставление онлайн: 19 апреля 1999 г.
Multi-purpose nonlinear optical microscope is an optical microscope which images 2D distribution of the optical second harmonic (SH) waves from a specimen. Image contrast can be obtained either by inhomogeneous distribution of nonlinear optical tensor components or by the interference between SH waves from a specimen and a standard plate. This microscope also functions as a fluorescence (FL) microscope, and SH and FL images can be obtained from same part of a specimen. Absorption and FL spectra from a specific part of a specimen are measured through an optical fiber, which connects an ocular with a polychromator. These functions are especially useful to investigate the J-aggregate state of polar dye molecules. Several photographs taken by the microscope revealed the structure of merocyanine dye / arachidic acid mixed monolayer and the role of bridge ions in subphase.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.