Nazemi N.1, Ahmadian F.1
1Department of Physics, Shahreza Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahreza, Iran

Поступила в редакцию: 10 июля 2018 г.
Выставление онлайн: 20 декабря 2018 г.
Half-metallic properties of SrYO2 (Y = Sc, Ti, V, and Cr) full-Hensler compounds were studied using full-potential linearized augmented plane wave method based on density functional theory. The negative formation energies of SrYO2 (Y = Sc, Ti, V, and Cr) alloys confirmed that they can be synthesized experimentally. Total energy calculations showed that AlCu2Mn-type structure was the ground state structure in all compounds. In both structures, SrYO2 (Y=Ti, V, and Cr) alloys were half-metallic ferrromagnets, while SrScO2 was a non- magnetic metal. The origin of half-metallicity was verified for SrCrO2. SrYO2 (Y = Ti, V, and Cr) alloys in both structures were half-metals in a wide range of lattice constants indicating that they are quite robust against hydrostatic strains. The magnetization of SrYO2 (Y = Ti, V, and Cr) alloys was mainly originated from the 3d electrons of Y( = Ti, V, and Cr) atoms and followed the Slater-Pauling rule: Mtot=Ztot-12. Generally, It is expected that SrYO2 (Y = Ti, V, and Cr) alloys are promising and interesting candidates in the future spintronic field.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.