Spin dynamics control in a double quantum dot under the conditions of the electric dipole spin resonance via the tunable spin-orbit coupling
Khomitsky D. V. 1, Zaprudnov N. A.1
1Nizhny Novgorod State University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Email: khomitsky@phys.unn.ru, dkrain98@mail.ru

The effect of the Rashba and Dresselhaus contributions ratio into the spin-orbit coupling is considered on the spin trajectory on the Bloch sphere induced by the periodic electric field in a GaAs semiconductor double quantum dot under the conditions of the electrical dipole spin resonance. It is shown that the variations of the Rashba parameter which can be achieved by the gate voltage lead to the changes for the spin rotation plane in wide limits. The predicted effect can be used as an additional control parameter for the spin dynamics including the applications for the design of spin qubits. Keywords: spin, Bloch sphere, double quantum dot, spin-orbit coupling, electric dipole spin resonance.
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